Langkau, J., What is Creative Imagining?, Analysis, forthcoming.
Langkau, J., Imaginative Freedom and Epistemic Constraints in the Context of Literary Text, in: Empathy and the Aesthetic Mind, edited by Fotini Vassiliou, Efi Kyprianidou and Katerina Bantinaki, Bloomsbury, forthcoming.
Kind, A. and Langkau, J.: Introduction: Reclaiming the Creative Imagination, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity, edited by Amy Kind and Julia Langkau, Oxford University Press, forthcoming (with Amy Kind).
Kind, A. and Langkau, J. (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity, forthcoming.
Langkau, J.: Theories of Creativity, in: The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity, forthcoming.
Langkau, J.: Kreative Vorstellung in Literatur und Philosophie, in: Gregorio, S./Reuter, G./Vogel, M./Werner, C., Geist und Imagination. Zur Bedeutung der Vorstellungskraft fuer Denken und Handeln, Suhrkamp, 2024. Preview
Langkau, J.: How Imaginative Engagement with Art Can Connect Us with Reality, in: SDGzine special issue WHO Arts & Health, 2024, 28-29. Here
Langkau, J., Two Notions of Creativity, in: Pfisterer, Chr./Rathgeb, N./Schmidt, E., Wittgenstein and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Hans-Johann Glock, Routledge 2022, pp. 254-271.
Langkau, J., Literary Fiction and Imagination (together with Magdalena Balcerak Jackson), in: Engisch, P. and Langkau, J., The Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition, Routledge 2022, pp. 140-156.
Langkau, J., Introduction to The Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition (together with Patrik Engisch), in: Engisch, P. and Langkau, J., The Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition, Routledge 2022, pp. 1-22.
Langkau, J., Two Kinds of Imaginative Vividness, Canadian Journal of Philosophy (2021): pp. 1-15 (
For full list of publications:
Engisch, P., Imagination, Creativity, and the Culinary Arts, in: The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity, edited by Amy Kind and Julia Langkau, forthcoming.
Borghini, A. and Engisch, P. (2022) (eds.) A Philosophy of Recipes Making, Experiencing, Valuing. London: Bloomsbury.
Engisch, P. (2022) Recipes, Traditions, and Representation. In: Borghini and Engisch (eds.)
Engisch, P. (2022). Modelling Culinary Value. In: Journal of Arts and Aesthetic Criticism, Volume 80, Issue 2, Spring 2022: 177–188.
Engisch, P. (2020) Recipes and Culinary Creativity: The Noma Legacy. In: Borghini and Piras (eds.) Recipes and Philosophy, special volume of Humana Mente.
Giannuzzo, Anaïs (2023). ‘Creativity, Intentions, and Self-Narratives: Can AI Really Be Creative?’ In Progress in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Nuno Moniz, Zita Vale, José Cascalho, Catarina Silva, and Raquel Sebastião, 52–63. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.